Traffic Research Center of Finland Ltd
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Our Mission

Traffic Research Center of Finland was established in 2008 to serve as platform for high-quality up-to-date traffic and transportation research. The Traffic Research Center of Finland Ltd provides a home for experts and academics for conducting different types of traffic research projects. We also conduct research on hospital and railway safety. Our main characteristics are:


  • High quality
  • Flexibility
  • Wide expertise


High quality in research is the main asset of our company. Quality of research is guaranteed because contacts to academia and research institutes. Our staff consists of four PhD level researchers (assistant and associate professors) who are top level experts in their field.


Flexibility in operations is based on our company’s philosophy in which freedom and creativity are emphasized. Project teams are constructed separately for each project, which provides always the best combination of experts and maximizes the know-how.


Wide expertise and multidisciplinary approach are necessary because solutions to traffic and transportation problems need true multidisciplinary approach. Our research teams have experts from many different fields and are not limited to classical approaches. Our pool of experts includes experts in transportation engineering, human factors research, behavior experts and psychologists, education specialists, transportation economists and medical experts.